Sunday, November 20, 2005

Home on laundry day....

Already the weekend is almiost over....If nothing else, I can say that at least I'm relaxed... The last week was extremely busy at work and I must say that lack of sleep caught up with me and by Friday morning I felt rather feverish. It didn't stop me from going out though. One of my coworkers Denis managed to reserve us a place in Kras and we had a nice party there....plenty of food, plenty of drink. The music was kind of lame though, but I guess you can't have everything. The teran made up for the crappy music...
When I got home in the early hours of the morning, I was extremely feverish and completely out of it... I stuffed myself with vitamins and after a brief chat with my dearest, I went to sleep. I slept most of yesterday as well...woke up at noon, made some soup, chatted a bit, went back to sleep till 6, more soup, vitamins, some tea... I supposedly chatted with him again in the evening but I was so out of it that I really don't remember... I fell asleep just after 8pm and slept straight through till this morning. I feel and sound much better though I'm still not at 100%.
As usual, Sunday is laundry day, so I've been doing that, went to do a bit of groceries and made myself a much needed coffee, to counter balance that herbal tea I've been drinking. I chatted with Tara earlier, it was 5am in Montrealand she'd just come in drunk as a skunk but in an extremely good mood. She'd been dying to show me how her place looks now that she's had it repainted and the like. Looks pretty good. My place could use some repainting (at least)...the whole thing needs renovating, but finances are keeping me from getting into such a project at the moment...
Jovan is getting married this spring. I'm happy for him, though I think he may be rushing it. Considering how his last marriage turned out, maybe he should take more time to think this over... But hey, it's his life. Who am I to judge.
So as for to get out of this financial rut? My dear Omar seems to think giving the stock market a chance is the thing to do. I personally can't be bothered...Maybe that's my problem...too lazy...
Anyhow, time to get some cleaning done as the place looks like a dump. TjaĊĦa is coming over in a bit. There's another one who's going thorugh an existentialist crisis.... but aren't we all?

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